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hybrid ‘Hopley’s ‘: “Miss Lemon™ Abelia”. Deciduous. Green & gold variegated foliage matures to ivory & green. White-pale pink flowers in midsummer-fall. 3-4’tall & 4’wide. Full sun-part shade. Low water once established. USDA zones 6-10. A Sunset Western Garden Collection Plant.


‘Tiger Eye’: “Tiger Eye Flowering Maple”. Evergreen. A fast growing, upright plant with very dark green, trifoliate foliage that resembles a maple foliage. Yellow flowers with dark red veins are produced spring-summer or nearly year-round in frost free areas. 5-8’tall & 3-4’wide. Sun-part shade on the coast, partial shade inland. USDA Zones 9-11.

x. hybridum ‘Nabob’: “Red Flowering Maple”. Evergreen. A fast growing, upright plant with very dark green, trifoliate foliage that resembles a maple foliage. Dark maroon flowers are produced nearly year-round. 8-10’tall & 4-5’wide. Sun-part shade on the coast, partial shade inland. USDA Zones 8-10.


cognata ‘Cousin Itt’ P.P. #25,133: (Acacia cognata ‘Mini Cog’). “Cousin Itt Acacia”. A low mounding, evergreen shrub with a weeping habit. Light green, finely textured foliage matures to dark green. 2-3’tall & 4-6’wide. Drought tolerant. Thornless. Full sun. USDA Zone 9. A Garden Debut® Plant.


palmatum: “Japanese Maple”. Deciduous shrub or tree. Growing red spring foliage color, summer soft green, & fall scarlet, orange, yellow. Leaves are deeply cut into 5-9 toothed lobes. Needs filtered shade in valley. 20-25’tall & wide. USDA Zones 5-8.

rubrum ‘October Glory’: “October Glory® Red Maple”. Outstanding large fall color tree. Deep reddish-purple foliage color is reliable even in warmer climates, not ideally suited for good color & the leaves are retained later than most cultivars. This maple produces a tall, rounded form bearing light green foliage in spring & summer. A super choice for high profile shade tree in front or backyard. Well suited to larger sites in groves for dramatic effect. Line a drive or boulevard for a stately entry. Full sun. Deciduous. Moderate to fast growing 40-50′ tall, 30-40′ wide. USDA Zones 3-9.

x freemanii ‘Jeffersred’ P.P. #4864: “Autumn Blaze Maple”. Upright branching, broadly oval shape. Medium green foliage turns to brilliant, long lasting, orange-red in fall. Height to 50′ with a 40′ spread. USDA Zone 3-9.

x freemanii ‘Autumn Fantasy’: “Autumn Fantasy Maple”. A Red & Silver Maple hybrid. Summer color resembles Silver Maple. In the fall, the leaves turn a bright red on top with magenta pink on the back, even in mild climates. As fall progresses, top side of leaf darkens but underside remains magenta pink. Colors the first year. Mature height 40-50′ & spread up to 40′. USDA Zones 3-9.


hybrid ‘Little Moonshine’ P.P. #28,179: “Little Moonshine Yarrow”.  Perennial. A dwarf form of ‘Moonshine’. Large clusters of canary yellow flowers in summer-fall. 9-12″tall & 10-12″wide. Full sun. Low water needs. Attracts butterflies. Waterwise. USDA Zones 4-8.

hybrid ‘Moonshine’: “Moonshine Yarrow”. Perennial. Bright canary yellow flowers on upright, 24″ stems in summer. Aromatic, silvery gray foliage. 18-24″tall & wide. Full sun. Waterwise. A good cut or dried flower. Attracts birds & butterflies. USDA Zones 3-9.

millefolium ‘New Vintage™ Red’ P.P. #25,618: “Yarrow”. Showy, red, flat-top flower clusters with creamy white eyes over compact, ferny, green foliage in late spring-summer. Full sun. 12-14″ tall & 10-12″ wide. Excellent for cutting, fresh or dried. Deer & rabbit resistant. Attracts butterflies. Drought & heat tolerant. Remove faded flowers regularly to promote continued blooming. USDA Zones 4-9.

millefolium ‘New Vintage™ Violet’ P.P. #25,750. “Yarrow”. Showy, violet purple, flat-top flower clusters with creamy white eyes over compact, ferny, green foliage in late spring-summer. Full sun. 12-14″ tall & 10-12″ wide. Excellent for cutting, fresh or dried. Deer & rabbit resistant. Attracts butterflies. Drought & heat tolerant. Remove faded flowers regularly to promote continued blooming. USDA Zones 4-9.

millefolium ‘New Vintage White’ P.P. #25,711. “Yarrow”. Clusters of white flowers over compact, ferny, green foliage in late spring-fall. Full sun. 12-14″tall & 10-12″wide. Excellent for cutting, fresh or dried. Deer & rabbit resistant. Attracts butterflies. Drought & heat tolerant. Remove faded flowers regularly to promote continued blooming. USDA Zones 4-9.

millefolium ‘Paprika’: “Paprika Yarrow”. This striking perennial yarrow forms a spreading mat of fern-like, mid-green foliage. Rising 18″ above the foliage, are large flat heads of yellow centered scarlet red flowers that age from red through salmon pink, creamy yellow to brown in late spring thru the summer. Full sun. Attractive to butterflies & deer tolerant. Height 1-2′; width 2-3′. Hardy to at least 0ºF. USDA Zones 3-9.

millefolium ‘Terracotta’: “Terracotta Yarrow”.  Unusual brownish orange flowers that fade through shades of golden yellow in summer.  Upright habit to 18-24″tall & wide. Full sun. Attracts butterflies. Heat tolerant. Fragrant foliage. USDA Zones 3a-8b.


africanus ‘Blue’: “Blue Lily of the Nile”. Evergreen perennial. Large clusters of periwinkle blue flowers on 12-18″ stems in spring-summer. Clumping habit to 2-3’tall & wide. Full sun-partial shade. Medium-low water needs. Attracts birds & butterflies. Deer resistant. USDA Zones 8-10.

africanus ‘Peter Pan’: “Dwarf Blue Lily of the Nile”. Beautiful mini version of the popular original. Small clumps give rise to deep blue flower clusters on erect stalks. Exciting rock garden or border item. Excellent in containers. Evergreen perennial. Full sun-partial shade. Moderate grower to 8-12″ tall & wide, stalks up to 18″ tall.  USDA Zones 8-11.

africanus ‘Queen Anne’: “Queen Anne Lily of the Nile”. Beautiful clumps of strap-like foliage & dense flower clusters on tall stalks. Good for firescaping. Evergreen. Full sun-partial shade. Foliage to 12-15″ High & wider, flower stalks to 2′ tall. USDA Zones 8-11.

hybrid ‘Ever Amethyst™’ P.P. #30,163.: Semi-dwarf. Deep purple flowers in spring-fall. Sun-partial shade. 2-3’tall & 1-2’wide. Drought tolerant. Water-wise. Attracts pollinators & hummingbirds. Disease & pest resistant. USDA Zones 8b-11.  A Sunset Western Garden Collection Plant.

hybrid ‘Ever Sapphire™’ P.P.#26,336: Semi-dwarf. Deep blue flowers in summer-fall. 1-2’tall & 1-1.5’wide. Sun-partial shade. Drought tolerant. Water-wise. Attracts pollinators. Disease & pest resistant. USDA Zones 8b-11. A Sunset Western Garden Collection Plant.

hybrid ‘Ever Twilight™’ P.P.#30,162: Large, bicolor white & violet flowers on 16-18″stalks in spring-fall. 16-18″tall & wide. Sun-partial shade. Drought tolerant. Water-wise. Attracts pollinators & hummingbirds. Disease & pest resistant. USDA Zones 8b-11.  A Sunset Western Garden Collection Plant.

hybrid ‘Ever White™’ P.P.#27,357: Semi-dwarf. Brilliant white flowers in spring-summer. 1-2’tall & wide. Sun-partial shade. Drought tolerant. Water-wise. Attracts pollinators. Disease & pest resistant. USDA Zones 8b-11.  A Sunset Western Garden Collection Plant.

praecox ‘Getty White’: Evergreen perennial. White flowers in late spring-summer. 18-24″tall & 2-3’wide. Sun-partial shade. Medium water needs. USDA Zones 7-11.

‘Storm Cloud’: “Storm Cloud Lily of the Nile”. Evergreen in warmer part of range. Developed from deciduous ‘Mood Indigo’ & an evergreen Agapanthus. It has deep blue-violet flower clusters on 4′ stems. 2-3’tall & wide. Full sun – partial shade. USDA Zones 7-11.


desmettiana Variegata: “Variegated Dwarf Smooth Agave”. Rosettes of green foliage with a bright golden yellow margin and a sharp reddish-brown spine at the tip. Arching habit to 2-3’tall & 3-4’wide. Full sun. Flowers are a yellow on a long stalk. Rosettes die after flowering but produce offsets around the base, often forming a new colony of plants. Low water needs. Frost tender. Mildly toxic. USDA Zones 9-11.

geminiflora: “Twin-flowered Agave”.  A compact, rosette of narrow, spine free, green leaves. A single flower stem up to 12’tall is produced when it reaches maturity, displaying masses of tiny yellow flowers. Slow growing to 2-3’tall & wide. Full sun. Drought resistant. USDA Zones 9-11.

hybrid ‘Blue Glow’: “Blue Glow Agave”. Succulent. A single, symmetrical rosette of blue-green leaves with a red margin edged in yellow. Each leaf tip has a short, red spine. Slow growing to 1-2’tall & 2-3’wide. Sun-partial shade. Infrequent blooming. Deer resistant. Drought tolerant. USDA Zones 8-11.

parryi var. truncata: “Artichoke Agave”. Dense, symmetrical rosettes of wide, blue-gray foliage with a black spine at the tip and margins. Full sun. 2-3’tall & 3-4’wide. Tall branching flower spike holds clusters of yellow flowers. Rosettes die after flowering but produce offsets around the base, often forming a new colony of plants. Low water needs. USDA Zones 8-10.

weberi: Large, bold, open rosettes of pale blue-grey leaves . The leaves usually have fine teeth along the margins of the lower end of the leaf and a sharp terminal spine. Full sun. 5′ tall & 10′ wide. Large, vertical flower stalks produce tiny, yellow flowers at maturity. Rosettes die after flowering but produce offsets around the base, often forming a new colony of plants. Low water needs. USDA Zones 8-10.


reptans ‘Black Scallop’ P.P.#15,815: “Black Scallop Carpet Bugle”. Dark as night foliage with gorgeously scalloped leaves that are larger than Mahogany’s’, and darker than ‘Catlin’s Giant’. Lacy, deep violet flowers in spring-early summer. A knockout in patio pots, combos, and as a striking accent with white, gold, or light colored plants. Sun – shade. 4-6″tall & 12-36″wide. Moderate water. USDA Zones 4-10.

reptans ‘Catlin’s Giant’: “Catlin’s Giant Carpet Bugle”. Herbaceous perennial with a dense carpet-like mat of purple bronze-green foliage. Deep blue flower spikes from spring-summer. Sun-partial shade. 3-6″tall and 12-24″wide. Flowers reach 8-10″ tall. USDA Zones 3-9.


‘Hercules’: A large, fast-growing, evergreen tree-like Aloe. Dark blue-green foliage. Bright salmon flowers in spring-fall. Full sun. 25-40’tall & 15-20’wide. Low water needs. USDA Zones 9-11.

‘Safari Rose’ P.P. #28,002: (Aloe hybrid ‘Safari Rose’). Succulent green leaves with soft teeth and grey-red tips form an upright, spreading clump. This compact, first year blooming aloe is heat and drought tolerant. Flowers from summer to mid-winter. Repeat bloomer with rose-pink flowers. 1-2’tall & 2-3’wide. Full sun-partial shade. Evergreen. Low water needs once established. Attracts pollinators. USDA Zones 9-11. A Sunset Western Garden Collection Plant.

‘Safari Sunrise™’ P.P. 23,267: (Aloe hybrid X5) Succulent green leaves with soft teeth form an upright, spreading clump. Large, bi-colored orange & cream flowers in summer-winter. Full sun-partial shade. 1-2’tall & 2-3’wide. Drought & heat tolerant. Attracts pollinators. Low water, once established. USDA Zones 9-11. A Sunset Western Garden Collection Plant.

vera Barbadensis: “Barbados Aloe”. Evergreen succulent with light green, fleshy foliage. Greenish yellow flowers on a tall stalk. 1-2’tall & 2-3’wide. Full sun. It has medicinal and cosmetic properties. USDA Zones 10-12.


zerumbet ‘Variegata’: “Variegated Shell Ginger”. Yellow and green striped foliage creates a tropical effect. Large, clusters of white & pink shell-like flowers in spring are sweetly fragrant. 4-7’tall & 4’wide. Full sun-partial shade. USDA Zones 8-11.


hybrid ‘Marina’: “Marina Strawberry Tree”. Evergreen tree to 20-30’tall & wide. Hybrid of uncertain parentage. Resembles A. unedo, but has larger leaves, rosy pink flowers in the fall-winter. Red & yellow, strawberry-like fruit in fall-winter. Low water needs. Good garden substitute for madrone. USDA Zones 7-9.


‘Emerald Carpet’: “Emerald Carpet Manzanita”. This fine introduction by the Rancho Santa Ana Botanic Garden has already surpassed some old standard uva-ursi cultivars in popularity. It forms a dense mat of narrow, shining, emerald green leaves. Decorated by white flowers in winter-spring & followed by red fruit. It requires moderate watering in hot summer areas. 8-14″tall & 3-5’wide. Full sun. USDA Zones 8-10.

x. ‘Dr. Hurd’: “Dr. Hurd Manzanita”. Evergreen. An evergreen shrub to small tree that grows fairly rapidly to 12-15′ tall & about as wide, with an open structure and beautiful dark mahogany red-barked stems holding large, glossy, light green leaves at their tips. The clusters of small white flowers dangle at the branch tips in late winter. Plant in full sun -light shade. Low water needs. USDA Zones 8-10.


alliacea: “Thrift”. Evergreen. Mounds of bright green, grass-like foliage. 6-12″ tall & 12-18″wide. Bright pink flowers in spring-fall. Full sun. Moderate water. Drought & wind tolerant. Deer resistant. USDA Zones 6.

maritima ‘Splendens’: “Common Thrift”. Reddish pink blossoms give some color year round in mild climates. Blooms April-July. Grows in compact tufts with grass-like green foliage. Excellent choice for rock gardens or seaside conditions. Evergreen foliage. 6-10″tall & 10-12″wide. Full sun. USDA Zone 3-9.


pycnocephala ‘David’s Choice’: “Coastal Sagewort”. A vigorous, dense, low growing evergreen perennial with finely divided soft silver-gray foliage. Yellow flowers in summer. Full sun-part sun. 1-2’tall & 2-3’wide. Low water needs. Deer tolerant. USDA Zones 4-9.


tuberosa: “Butterfly Weed”. Typically grown in a clump to 1-3′ tall & 1-1.5′ wide. Clusters (umbels) of bright orange to yellow-orange flowers in summer. Flowers give way to prominent, spindle-shaped seed pods (3-6″ long) which split open when ripe releasing numerous silky-tailed seeds. Unlike many of the other milkweeds, this species does not have milky-sapped stems, but still is poisonous if ingested. Hummingbirds, butterflies and bees are attracted to the flowers. Monarch butterflies lay eggs on this plant and the resulting larvae (caterpillars) use the plant leaves as a food source. Deer resistant.  USDA Zones 3-9.


glenn hybrid ‘Red Bird’: “Red Bird Azalea”. Evergreen. Orange red flowers with a maroon blotch in spring. Partial shade. 4-6’tall & wide. USDA Zones 7-9.

rutherfordiana ‘Alaska’: “Alaska Azalea”. Evergreen. Single to semi-double, snow-white blooms with distinctive chartreuse blotch on throat in late winter-early spring. Partial shade. Sun tolerant. Mid-season to late. Plants can reach 3-5′ tall, 4-6′ wide. USDA Zones 9-11.

southern indica ‘Brilliant’: “Brilliant Azalea”. Sun grown azalea when given proper growing conditions produce a mass of early spring color that brightens any planting. They grow well where they receive full sun-partial shade, but should not be planted where they will get reflected heat. Excellent foliage backs the blooms. Evergreen. Single, watermelon red flowers in early spring. One of the most reliable azaleas for the southern U.S. Moderate grower to 6-8′ tall & wide. Midseason to late. USDA Zones 8-9.

southern indica ‘Duc de Rohan’: “Duc de Rohan Azalea”. Sun grown azalea when given proper growing conditions produce a mass of early spring color that brightens any planting. They grow well where they receive full sun-partial shade, but should not be planted where they will get reflected heat. Excellent foliage backs the blooms. Evergreen. Single, salmon pink flowers in winter-mid-spring. Slow grower to 2-3’tall & wide. Early to midseason. USDA Zones 8-9.

southern indica ‘Fielder’s White’: “Fielder’s White Azalea”. Sun grown azalea when given proper growing conditions produce a mass of early spring color that brightens any planting. They grow well where they receive full sun-partial shade, but should not be planted where they will get reflected heat. Excellent foliage backs the blooms. Evergreen. Frosty white flowers in spring. Mid season. 4-6’tall & wide. USDA Zones 8-9.

southern indica ‘Phoenicia’: “Phoenicia Azalea”. Sun grown azalea when given proper growing conditions produce a mass of early spring color that brightens any planting. They grow well where they receive full sun-partial shade, but should not be planted where they will get reflected heat. Excellent foliage backs the blooms. Evergreen. Brilliant, single lavender blooms are displayed against excellent dark green foliage in spring. Moderate grower to 6-8′ tall & wide. Midseason. USDA Zones 8-9.

southern indica ‘Pride of Dorking’: “Pride Of Dorking Azalea”. Sun grown azalea when given proper growing conditions produce a mass of early spring color that brightens any planting. They grow well where they receive full sun-partial shade, but should not be planted where they will get reflected heat. Excellent foliage backs the blooms. Evergreen. Brilliant red flowers in spring. 3-5’tall & wide. USDA Zones 8-9.

southern indica ‘Southern Charm’: “Southern Charm Azalea”. Sun grown azalea when given proper growing conditions produce a mass of early spring color that brightens any planting. They grow well where they receive full sun-partial shade, but should not be planted where they will get reflected heat. Excellent foliage backs the blooms. Evergreen. Masses of large, showy single blooms of deep rose in spring. Moderate grower to 6-8′ tall & wide. Midseason. USDA Zones 8-9.


pilularis ‘Twin Peaks’: “Dwarf Coyote Brush”. An evergreen groundcover/shrub. Discovered in the Twin Peaks area of San Francisco. Small, dark green, toothed leaves are set closely on the branches. 8-24″tall & 5-10’wide. Sun-partial shade. Inconspicuous flowers.  Drought tolerant. Deer resistant. USDA Zones 7-11.


x. benariensis ‘Whopper’ Series: Big, vigorous plants with an excellent heat tolerance. Fills out containers and beds equally well. 2-3’tall & 1½-2’wide. Partial shade. Both green leaf & bronze leaf varieties. Blooms in summer-fall. Selling ‘Red’ & ‘Rose’ varieties. USDA Zones 9-11.


minutum: Evergreen perennial. Forms a flat carpet of small light green foliage with tiny white daisy-like flowers with a pink reverse in late spring-summer. 2-4″tall and 12-16″wide. Sun-partial shade. Use as an edging or a small area groundcover. Tolerates moderate foot traffic once established. USDA Zone 7.


thunbergii ‘Orange Rocket’: “Orange Rocket Japanese Barberry”. Upright, columnar habit covers the landscape with colorful, rusty orange foliage. Plants have passed the USDA Cereal Rust Disease Trials in MN. This variety has been added to the Federal Register as an approved cultivar. Works well in the landscape in a mass planting, as a specimen plant, or in a container. 51″ height x 16″ wide. Full sun-part shade. USDA Zone 5.


nigra ‘Dura Heat’: “Dura Heat River Birch”. Heat resistant, glossy, deep green foliage gives this cultivar a fresh look through the heat of the summer, even in the Southern U.S. It branches freely, giving it better density & a more compact appearance than the species. Attractive exfoliating bark is a medley of cream & tan colors. Height to 40′; spread to 30′. Broadly pyramidal shape. Yellow fall color. Reported to have good resistance to bronze birch bore. USDA Zone 5.


ferulifolia ‘Bee Alive’: Yellow flowers with orange-red tips in spring-fall. 8-10″tall & 18-24″wide. Full sun. Heat tolerant. Attracts bees & butterflies. Heat tolerant. USDA Zone 9a-9b.

ferulifolia ‘Sun Drop’ PP# 25,668: An early-flowering, compact variety that forms a tiny mound in the garden. Large, bright golden yellow flowers in spring-fall. 10-12″tall & 16-18″wide. Full sun. Ideal for tight spaces. USDA Zones 9-11.


crenulata ‘Shark Bay’: A low maintenance, compact shrub with small, fragrant foliage. Small pink flowers in winter-spring. 3-4’tall & wide. Full sun. Drought & heat tolerant. USDA Zones 9a-11.


‘Barbara Karst’: This vigorous, showy vine quickly climbs to 15-30’tall with support & 6-9’wide.  Bright, magenta-red, petal-like bracts in spring-fall or nearly year-round in frost-free zones. Full sun. Low water needs. Drought tolerant once established. USDA Zones 10-11.

brasiliensis: This vigorous, showy vine quickly climbs to 15-30’tall with support & 6-9’wide.  Deep purple, petal-like bracts in spring-fall or nearly year-round in frost-free zones. Full sun. Low water needs. Drought tolerant once established. USDA Zones 10-11.


hybrida ‘Radiant Magenta’: P.P. #22,686. Bright magenta, daisy-like flowers with yellow centers in spring-fall. Mounded upright habit to 5-7″tall & 6-8″wide. Full sun. Hardy to 33ºF.


Buzz™ Hot Raspberry: “Butterfly Bush”. Deciduous. Deep magenta flowers in summer-fall. 3-5’tall & 3’wide. Full sun. Its compact form is perfect for smaller gardens. It attracts butterflies & hummingbirds. USDA Zones 5-9.

davidii ‘Chrysalis™ Blue’ P.P. #33,842“Butterfly Bush”. Abundant, blue flowers in spring-summer. Full sun. 20-28″tall & 18-24″wide. Attracts bees & butterflies. Drought & frost tolerant. USDA Zones 5-9.

davidii ‘Chrysalis™ Cranberry’ P.P. #33,845: “Butterfly Bush”. Abundant, cranberry red flowers in spring-summer. Full sun. 20-28″tall & 18-24″wide. Attracts bees & butterflies. Drought & frost tolerant. USDA Zones 5-9.

davidii ‘Chrysalis™ White’ P.P. #33,846: “Butterfly Bush”. Abundant, white flowers in spring-summer. Full sun. 20-28″tall & 18-24″wide. Attracts bees & butterflies. Drought & frost tolerant. USDA Zones 5-9.


frutescens ‘Hallmark’: “Orange Stalked Bulbine, Hallmark Cape Balsam”. An evergreen, succulent groundcover with gray green foliage. 1-2’tall & 3-4’wide, spreading by rhizomes. Full sun-partial shade. Star-like, orange flowers with yellow stamens in spring-summer. Attracts hummingbirds. Deer resistant. Waterwise.  It is sometimes commonly called Jelly Burn Plant as it contains glycoproteins, similar to many aloe species, and is touted for similar healing properties as Aloe vera to ease burns, rashes and itches. USDA Zones 8-11.


microphylla var. japonica ‘Baby Gem’ PP#21,159: (Buxus microphylla var. japonica ‘Gregem’). “Baby Gem Boxwood”. A great, compact, evergreen Boxwood reaching 4′ tall and 4-5′ wide is excellent for borders and focal areas. The dense mass of dark-green leaves holds its color throughout the year. Partial shade. Drought & heat tolerant. Deer resistant. Zone 5. A Garden Debut® Plant & A Sunset Western Garden Collection Plant.

microphylla japonica ‘Green Beauty’: “Green Beauty Boxwood”. Excellent compact evergreen shrub for small hedges. Retains its dark green foliage in the coldest winters & hottest summers. Full to partial sun. Moderate grower to 4-6′ tall & wide, when unpruned. Zones 5-9.

x. ‘Green Mountain’: “Green Mountain Boxwood”. Vigorous growing boxwood when young. Dense, upright form with bright green leaves that retain their color through winter. Natural cone-shaped form if left unsheared, excellent hedge. Evergreen. Full sun-partial shade. Moderate grower to 5′ tall & 3′ wide. Zones 4-9.


Begonia x. benariensis ‘Whopper’ Series: Big, vigorous plants with an excellent heat tolerance. Fills out containers and beds equally well. 2-3’tall & 1½-2’wide. Partial shade. Both green leaf & bronze leaf varieties. Blooms in summer-fall. Selling ‘Red’ & ‘Rose’ varieties. USDA Zones 9-11.

Lantana camera PassionFruit’ P.P.A.F.: Trailing, spreading, dark green foliage. Multicolored flower clusters in shades of hot pink, orange, & yellow in summer. Full sun. 12-16″tall & 12-14″wide. Attracts bees, butterflies & hummingbirds. Drought & heat tolerant. Hardy to 32ºF. USDA Zones 9-11.

MixMasters Good Company: A combination of Lantana Shamrock™ Butterscotch Glow & Lantana Shamrock™ Red. Blooms spring-summer. 12-14″tall & wide. Full sun. USDA Zones 9-11.

MixMasters Patriotic Heart: A combination of Angelonia AngelMist® Spreading Dark Purple, Angelonia AngelMist® Spreading White, and Archangel™ Cherry Red in the center. Blooms in summer-fall. 16-18″tall & 14-16″wide. Full sun. Hardy to 40ºF.


gilliesii: “Yellow Bird of Paradise”. Evergreen shrub. Fine textured, green foliage. Large, exotic, yellow flowers with red stamens in summer followed by seed pods. Full sun. 4-6’tall & wide. Deer resistant. Attracts hummingbirds. Water wise. USDA Zones 8-11.

pulcherrima: “Red Bird of Paradise, Pride of Barbados, Peacock Flower”. Evergreen. Can be grown as a shrub or small tree. Fast growing to 10-20’tall & 6-12’wide. Bright orange-yellow flowers with red stamens in spring-fall are followed by seed pods. Full sun. Drought tolerant. Zones 9-11.


nepetoides: “Calamint”. Pale lilac-white flowers in summer-fall. Full sun. 12-18″tall & 24-30″wide. Fragrant foliage. Zones 4-9.


grandiflorus: “Rock Purslane”. Bright purple flowers with golden stamens on succulent, grey-green foliage in summer. Sun-partial shade. 12-18″ tall & 4′ wide. Low water. Drought tolerant. Zones 9-11.


Cabaret®’ Series: The most uniform Calibrachoa series on the market. Plants are well-branched, mounded, & trailing with full centers & abundant blooms. Free-flowering & early blooming Cabaret® tolerates cool temperatures. Dark green foliage. Height 6-10″; spread 10-12″. Full sun. Zones 9-11.
        ‘Bright Red’ P.P. #24,401: Fire engine red flowers.
        ‘Deep Yellow’ P.P. #24,402: Dark yellow flowers.
        ‘Diva Orange’ P.P. #31,927: Orange & yellow bicolor flowers.
        ‘Diva Pink’: Bright pink & yellow bicolor flowers.
        ‘Good Night Kiss’ P.P. #31,573: Hot pink & red bicolor flowers with a yellow star
        ‘Hot Rose’: Hot Rose pink & red bicolor flowers.
        ‘Lavender’: Lavender purple flowers.
        ‘Light Pink Kiss’: Light pink & red bicolor flowers.
        ‘Midnight Blue’ P.P.#30,199: True blue flowers.
        ‘Midnight Kiss’ P.P. #34,063: Purple & deep purple bicolor flowers with a yellow star.
        ‘Orange’ P.P. #31,572: Bright orange flowers.
        ‘Pink Star’ P.P. #33,970: Bright pink flowers with a yellow & white star.
        ‘Purple’ P.P. #25,166: Violet purple flowers.
        ‘White’: White flowers.

Conga™’ Series: A well-branched & trailing plant with an abundance of blooms in spring-fall. 6-10″tall & 10-12″wide. Full sun. They are self-cleaning, so they stay neat & tidy all season long. Hardy to 0ºF.
        ‘Cherry’: Bright cherry red flowers with a yellow center.
        ‘Dark Blue’ P.P. #29,491: Dark blue flowers
        ‘Deep Yellow’: Bright yellow flowers.
        ‘Orange Kiss’: Orange flowers with a red center.
        ‘Purple Star’: Bright purple flowers with a dark purple center and a yellow star pattern.
        ‘Red’: Bright red flowers.
        ‘Rose’: Rose pink flowers with a red center.
        ‘White’: White flowers with a yellow center.


citrinus ‘Little John’: “Dwarf Bottlebrush”. Small, 1½-2″ blood red blooms cover the top of this colorful grower for an extended season. Dense branches are covered with blue-green leaves. Versatile, dwarf size is perfect for today’s smaller gardens. Evergreen. Full sun. Slow grower to only 3′ tall & 5′ wide. Zones 8-11.

viminalis ‘Light Show Red’ P.P. #27,547: (Callistemon viminalis LJ23′). A compact bottlebrush with green-blue foliage and deep red flowers in spring-summer. Full sun-partial shade. 3-4’tall & 2-3’wide. Attracts pollinators. Deer resistant. Drought, heat, and salt tolerant. Water wise. USDA Zones 9-11.


drummondianus: “Sundrops”. Evergreen perennial. Dark green, narrow, fine-textured foliage. Bright yellow flowers in spring-late fall. Full sun-partial shade. 1-2′ tall & 2′ wide. Low water needs. Attracts butterflies. USDA Zones 6-9.


Dark Star’: “Dark Star Wild Lilac”. Evergreen shrub. Full sun. Height 5-6′ tall, 8-10′ wide. Tiny, ¼”, dark green leaves with dark cobalt blue 1½” flower clusters in spring. Similar to ‘Julia Phelps’, maybe better. Deer proof. Zones 8-10.

griseus horizontalis: “Carmel Creeper California Lilac”. One of the most popular Ceanothus on the west coast. Excellent as a large scale groundcover or bank planting. Glossy, bright green leaves back light blue 1″ flower clusters in spring. Evergreen. Full sun. Moderate growing to 18-30″ tall, spreading 5-15′. Zones 9-11.

griseus horizontalis ‘Yankee Point’: “Yankee Point Carmel Creeper”. One of the best groundcover types. Looks refined. Glossy, dark green, 1½” leaves. Medium blue 1″ flower clusters. Height 2-3′ tall, 8-10′ wide. Full sun. Zones 8-10.

thyrsiflorus var. griseus  ‘Diamond Heights’: “Diamond Heights Ceanothus”. Evergreen shrub. Chartreuse and green variegated leaves. Pale blue flowers in spring. 1’tall & 4-5’wide. Partial shade-shade. Low water once established. Water wise. Zones 9-10. A Sunset Western Garden Collection Plant.


deodara: “Deodar Cedar”. A large, pyramidal form conifer with gray-green foliage and arching branches. Full sun. 40-50’tall & 20-30’wide. Allow plenty of room in the landscape to best display this stately tree. Heat and drought tolerant. Makes a wonderful living Christmas tree. USDA Zones 7-11.


tomentosum: “Snow In Summer”. A multitude of small white flowers decorate silvery gray foliage. Blooms May – June. Height 6″. Zone 3.


‘Desert Museum’: “Desert Museum Palo Verde”. Deciduous. A thornless hybrid that makes a fine, beautiful, upright shade tree. Large yellow blossoms give a dazzling display of color in the spring and may re-bloom in the summer if given supplemental water. After the foliage falls, the trunk & stems remain green, providing year-round interest. Fast grower to 25’tall & wide. Full sun. USDA Zones 8-9.


canadensis ‘Forest Pansy’: “Forest Pansy Redbud”. Beautiful landscape tree valued for its brilliant scarlet-purple colored new foliage, maturing to maroon. Rosy-pink flowers on bare branches bridge the gap between winter & spring. Deciduous. Full sun. Moderate grower to 20′ tall, 25′ wide. Zones 5-9.

canadensis var. mexicana: “Mexican Redbud”. Deciduous. Brilliant rose-violet flowers in spring just before the glossy, blue green foliage appears. Foliage turns gold in fall. Full sun-partial sun. Moderate grower to 12-20’tall & wide. USDA Zones 5-9.

reniformis ‘Oklahoma: “Oklahoma Redbud”. Beautiful garden tree valued for its timing; petite purple-red flowers on bare branches bridge the gap between winter & spring. New foliage has soft pink tint, maturing to lustrous rich green. Deciduous. Full sun. Moderate grower to 15′ tall & wide. May develop multiple trunks. Zones 6-9.


linearis ‘Burgundy’: “Burgundy Desert Willow”. Deciduous. The willowy pendant branches display long, narrow, green leaves highlighted by fragrant, trumpet-shaped, burgundy-pink flowers in spring-summer. Full sun. Moderate growing to 15-20’tall & wide. Attracts hummingbirds. Drought tolerant making it a lovely addition to xeric or waterwise landscape. USDA Zones 7-9.

linearis ‘Desert Diva’ P.P. #28,902: “Desert Diva Desert Willow”. Deep, emerald green leaves contrast nicely with velvety white buds. Most often, buds are a good indicator of flower color, but with this one there is a twist. The pearlescent buds open to a deep, dark, purple burgundy flowers creating a dramatic, over the top display. Dense, dark green leaf clusters create lovely, soft, dappled shade. Full sun. 30’tall & wide. Attracts pollinators. USDA Zones 6-10.


retusus: “Chinese Fringe Tree”. Deciduous. A highly prized small tree with upright branches forming a dome shape. Soft green leaves back magnificent clusters of fragrant, fringe-like, white flowers. These are followed by dark blue fruit in late summer, providing a food source for birds & wildlife. Foliage turns golden yellow in the fall. Full sun-partial sun. Slow growing to 15-20’tall & 20-25’wide. A terrific accent for small yards. USDA Zones 5-9.


corbariensis ‘Little Miss Sunshine’ PP#22,364: “Little Miss Sunshine Rock Rose”. Evergreen shrub with butter yellow and green variegated foliage. Pure white flowers in spring.  12″tall & 18-24″wide. Full sun. Attracts butterflies. Deer resistant. Drought tolerant. Zones 8-10. A Sunset Western Garden Collection Plant.

ladanifer: “Crimson-Spot Rockrose”. Evergreen shrub. Slender lance-shaped dark green leaves that are grayish on the undersides and fragrant in the heat of summer. White flowers with crimson spots in spring-summer. Full sun. 3-5’tall & wide. Low water needs. Deer resistant. USDA Zones 7-10.

‘Mickie’ PP# 23,024: “Mickie Rock Rose”. Brilliant gold leaves with a splash of green in the center. The evergreen has a low-mounding habit and is perfect for creating contrast or can be used as an accent in a sun garden. 18″tall & 30″wide, with 18″high, white  flowers that bloom in May and June. Full sun. ‘Mickie’ is deer-resistant and drought-tolerant. Attracts butterflies. Zones 7-10.

purpureus:”Orchid Rock Rose”. Evergreen shrub. This compact grower has dark green leaves with hairy, gray undersides. 4’tall & 4-6’wide. Reddish purple flowers with maroon spots in late spring-summer. Full sun. Attracts butterflies. Deer resistant. Drought tolerant. Zones 8-11.

 salvifolius: “Sage Leaf Rockrose”. A low spreading evergreen shrub, native to the Mediterranean region. 2-3′ tall & 6-8′ wide. Gray-green foliage looks wrinkled like a sage leaf.  White flowers with orange yellow stamens in the center and a yellow spot at the base of each petal in spring.  Attracts pollinizers. USDA Zones 8-11

x. pulverulentus ‘Sunset’:


pulchrum ‘Sunset Gold’: “Sunset Gold Pink Breath of Heaven”. Evergreen shrub. Pink flowers. Bright yellow new growth, usually hiding the bright green older leaves & stems. Grows 1½’ tall & 4′ wide. Good on banks or hillsides, along paths where you can break off & bruise a twig to enjoy the foliage’s fragrance. Frequently used next to buildings, though a little wispy for such use. Zones 8-11.


‘Coleosaurus’: Bright lime green foliage with dark red veins/netting. Sun-shade. 2-3’tall & wide. Hardy to 32ºF.

‘FlameThrower™’: Upright, compact plants that tolerate both sun and shade. Fast growing to 18-24″tall & 16-18″wide.  Hardy to 38ºF. USDA Zones: All
        ‘Habanero’ P.P. #27,077: Fiery orange leaves with a touch of purple at the center and edges.
        ‘Salsa Verde’ P.P#29,820: Lime green foliage.
        ‘Sriracha’ P.P. #32,342: Dark red leaves highlighted with a pop of lime green edging.
        ‘Spiced Curry’ P.P. #27,499: Chartreuse/gold foliage with a red center and edging.

hybrids: These new, bigger, sun & heat loving varieties have revolutionized container gardens. Their brilliant colors explode in sunny locations. Excellent mid-height fillers in pots. Coleus do best in temperatures above 45ºF & need protection from the cold. Zones 10-11.
         ‘Red Head’: Perfectly matched to ‘Henna’ for habit, ‘Red Head’ displays bright red leaves that are the truest red color. Well-branched & late to flower. Sun-shade. Height 18-24″;spread to 28″.
         ‘Trusty Rusty’: Copper leaves are outlined in golden yellow. Large-leafed, late to flower & more vigorous than ‘Rustic Orange’. Sun-shade. Height 18-24″; spread to 28″.
         ‘Vino’: Deep wine-colored leaves edged in light green. Grows darker in the sun. Upright medium habit. Height 18-30″;spread 24-28″.
         ‘Wasabi’: Durable & rugged for a Coleus. Wasabi’s serrated chartreuse leaves hold their brilliant color without fading or spotting. Looks great with ‘Redhead’. Sun or shade. Height 18-28″.

‘Kong Jr.’ Series: Large, heart shaped leaves in unique color combinations add interest to the garden. Mounded upright habit. 18-24″tall & 20-35″wide. Shade. Heat & shade tolerant. Low maintenance. Hardy to 50ºF.
         ‘Lime Vein’: Lime green foliage with burgundy center & veins.
         ‘Rose’: Lime green foliage with bright pink & burgundy centers.
         ‘Scarlet’: Scarlet red foliage with a light green-lemon yellow edge.

scutellarioides ‘Stained Glassworks™ Golden Gate’: Burgundy red foliage edged in gold. Partial shade-partial sun. 18-24″tall & wide. Deer resistant. USDA Zones 9-11.


mauritanicus: “Ground Morning Glory”. A low-growing, evergreen perennial. It has trailing branches that hold hairy, round, gray-green leaves. Lavender -blue, funnel-shaped flowers in summer. Fast growing to 1′ tall & 1 ½-3′ wide. Full sun. Waterwise once established. Useful as a groundcover or border specimen. Zones 7-9.


‘Design-A-Line Burgundy’ PP #24,764: A low-maintenance plant with  rich, burgundy color all year. Small white flowers in summer. Sun-partial shade. 3′ tall & wide. Slow-moderate growth rate. Deer, disease, & pest resistant. Water-wise.  Its cascading grass-like habit is ideal for containers, on patios, along walls or walkways, or as accent plants in mixed borders, and works great with succulents. Zones 8-11.


auriculata ‘Nana’: “Dwarf Tickseed”. Perennial. Low growing mound of lobed, oblong, mid-green leaves. Bright yellow-orange, daisy-like flowers in spring-summer. Blooms best when cutting off spent flowers. 6-8″tall & 1-2’wide. Sun-partial shade. Attracts birds & butterflies. Good cut flower.  Zones 4-9.

verticillata ‘Moonbeam’: “Tickseed”.  Delicate, needlelike foliage forms a spreading clump.. Pale yellow flowers are  heavy from June through August, with repeat bloom till frost. 1-2′ tall & 12-18″ wide. Full sun. Good for cut flowers. Attracts butterflies. Seaside & salt tolerant. Zones 3-9.


coggygria ‘Royal Purple’: “Royal Purple Smoke Tree”. Dramatic, long-lasting, pinkish-purple, smoke-like airy seed clusters backed by reddish-purple foliage creates a prized small tree or large accent shrub. Foliage holds color all summer, turning scarlet in fall. Deciduous. Full sun. Moderate grower to 15′ tall, 10-12′ wide. Zones 4-8.


hyssopifolia: “False Heather”. Compact shrublet with flexible, leafy branchlets. Leaves evergreen, ½ – ¾” long, very narrow. Tiny summer flowers in pink, purple, or white are scarcely half as long as leaves. White form the most useful. Takes ordinary soil; sun-partial shade; lots of moisture. Height 1-2′. USDA Zones 8-11.
         ‘Lavender’: Lavender pink flowers.
         ‘White’: White flowers.

ignea ‘Hummingbird’s Lunch’ P.P. #32,525: Cherry red & golden yellow bicolor flowers in spring-fall. 18-24″tall & 24-36″wide. Full sun. Attracts hummingbirds, bees, & butterflies. Drought tolerant. USDA Zones 8-11.



leylandii ‘Emerald Isle’: Similar to Cupressocyparis leylandii, but has bright green foliage on a plant 20-25′ tall, 6-8′ wide. Grows very fast. Most often planted as quick screening. Long, slender, upright branches with flattened foliage sprays give youthful trees a narrow, pyramidal form, though they can become open & floppy. Produces small cones composed of scales. Will accept a wide variety of soils & climate conditions; takes strong wind. Zones 5-9.


arizonica ‘Blue Ice’:

sempervirens ‘Glauca’: “Blue Italian Cypress”. Outstanding classic Mediterranean cypress with attractive blue-green foliage. An ideal conifer to dominate a landscape with its densely branched, narrow columnar form. Evergreen. Full sun. Fast grower to 60-80′ tall, 2-3′ wide; can be larger. Zones 7-10.

sempervirens ‘Compacta’: “Compact Italian Cypress”. The perfect compact Italian cypress that retains its small size indefinitely. Exceptionally dense, blue-green foliage on a rigid, columnar form is a valuable architectural accent both in the summer & under winter snow. Perfect in containers & for small, high profile city gardens. Requires no shearing but, adapts well to topiary applications. Full sun. Very slow growth to just 8′ tall & 2′ wide in first decade, then 25-30′ tall & to 3′ wide at maturity. Evergreen. Zones 7-10.


hydbrid ‘Clarity Blue™ P.P. #22,965:

hybrid ‘Coolvista’™ P.P. #22,965:

tasmanica ‘Variegata’: 


caryophyllus ‘Oscar® Cherry+Velvet’: Cherry red & velvety crimson flowers in spring-late summer. 8-10″tall & 6-10″wide. Full sun. Fragrant. Frost tolerant. USDA Zones 6-9.

caryophyllus ‘Oscar® Purple Star’ P.P. #30-795: Pink flowers with a raspberry purple star in spring-late summer. 8-10″tall & 6-10″wide. Full sun. Fragrant. Frost tolerant. USDA Zones 6-9.

caryophyllus ‘Oscar® White: Pure white flowers in spring-late summer. 8-10″tall & 6-10″wide. Full sun. Fragrant. Frost tolerant. USDA Zones 6-9.


argentea ‘Silver Falls’: Vigorous, fan-shaped silver foliage on trailing silver stems. 2-6″tall & 18-24″wide. Partial sun-sun. Heat & drought tolerant. Ideal for hanging baskets, containers or ground cover. Low maintenance. Zones 9-11.


bicolor: “Fortnight Lily, African Iris”. Iris-like plants with fans of stiff, narrow evergreen leaves; form dense, long-lasting clumps. Flowers resembling small Japanese irises consist of three outer & three inner segments. Stems are 2-3′ tall. Flowers about 2″ wide & circular in outline, light yellow with dark brown to maroon blotches. Each flower lasts only one day, but supply of flowers on a stem is seemingly endless. Flower stems last only one year. Excellent in permanent landscape plantings with pebbles & rocks, shrubs, & other long-lived perennials. Full sun-partial shade. Zones 8-10.

vegeta: (Dietes iridioides, Moraea iridioides). “Fortnight Lily, African Iris”. Stems to 3′ tall. Waxy, white flowers to 3″ across have yellow-orange blotches, a few orange marks bases of inner three segments; three style arms – appendages radiating from flower’s center – are usually pale violet. To prevent self-sowing & prolong bloom, break off blossoms individually. Don’t cut flower stems (they last for more than a year) until they clearly have stopped producing blooms; then cut back to lower leaf joint near base of stem. Zones 8-11.


viscosa ‘Purpurea’: “Purple Hopseed Bush”. Great color show, bronzy-green foliage turns purple-red in fall; pinkish fruit brightens summer. Dense branches can be trimmed as a hedge or espalier; unpruned it makes a superb evergreen screen. It can also be trained as a standard tree. Full sun. Fast grower to 12′ tall, 6-8′ wide. Zones 8-11.


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