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‘Black Knight’:
purpurea ‘Pow Wow’ Series: “Coneflower”. Very well-matched for habit & timing, this colorful, drought-tolerant series puts more flowers on every plant than any other seed Echinacea. Faster to flower & genetically shorter than any other on the market. Requires full sun & well-drained fertile soil. 18-24″ tall & 12-16″ wide. Blooms summer-fall. Zones 3-9.
‘Wild Berry’: Unique intense rose flowers with a dark rose center. 2010 AAS Flower Award Winner.
decipiens: “Japanese Blueberry Tree” – Shogun® Series. Excellent street, lawn, or park tree; bronzy new growth then glossy green foliage. Ornamental effect from older leaves turning bright red before dropping. Numerous tiny scented white flowers; blue-black olive-like fruit in winter that won’t stain sidewalks when crushed. Evergreen. Full sun. Moderate-growing to 40-60′ tall, 20-30′ wide. Zones 8-11.
canum ‘Everett’s Choice’: “California Fuchsia”. Distinguished by it’s very low growing habit, usually less than 1′ high & 2′ wide. Furry gray foliage creeps along the ground. Great next to a path or rock wall. Vivid red flowers appear in fall. Attractive to hummingbirds. Full sun. Drought tolerant. Zones 7-10.
karvinskianus: (Often called Vittadinia). “Mexican Daisy or Santa Barbara Daisy”. Perennials. Graceful trailing plant 10-20″ tall & 3-5′ wide. Leaves 1″ long, often toothed at tips. Dainty flower heads ¾” across with numerous white or pinkish rays. Blooms early summer into fall. Sun or light shade. Sandy soil; moderate watering. Drought tolerant. Use as a groundcover in garden beds or large containers. Stands root competition well; invasive unless controlled. Zones 5-7.
‘Bowles Mauve’: “Wallflower”. Wallflowers are among the first to bloom in spring. Clusters of mauve pink blossoms provide continuous bloom all summer. Nicely fragrant & good for cut flowers. Shrub-like, evergreen plants. 18-24″ tall & 15-18″ wide. Full sun-partial shade. Attracts butterflies. Drought tolerant, once established. Zone 6-11.
‘Winter Orchid™’ P.P.#22,467: “Wallflower”. Short spikes of red flowers fade to a deep orchid-purple in late winter-spring. Sweetly scented. Sun-partial shade. 14-18″ tall & 18″ wide. Moderate water. Zone 8-11.
myrtifolia ‘Monterey Bay’: “Monterey Bay Brush Cherry”. Bold, lush appearance form a full-branching, excellent, tall, evergreen screen or hedge. New growth remains bronze-red over a long season. Creamy white brush-like flowers followed by rose purple fruit. Full sun-partial shade. Moderate grower to 15-20′ tall, 8-10′ wide. Zones 9-11.
japonica ‘Green Spire’: “Green Spire Euonymus”. Evergreen. Well-behaved plant for dense, narrow hedges or screens. Makes a great clipped hedge requiring minimal care for a formal appearance. Naturally narrow habit of growth adapts to small spaces. Full sun-partial shade. Moderate growing to 6-8′ tall & 1-2′ wide. Zones 6-9.
japonica ‘Microphylla’: “Boxleaf Euonymus”. Evergreen. Needing minimal trimming, this compact shrub is perfect for a low hedge or border. It has a beautiful, formal appearance. Grows well in heat & poor soils. Full sun. Slow grower to 1-2′ tall, 1′ wide or smaller. Sun-partial shade. Zones 6-9.
‘Ruby Glow’: USPP #22,200. ‘Ruby Glow’ has a great habit, is very branched & compact, & presents well in a pot. Its foliage is mahogany in lower light levels & is virtually black in full sun. New foliage is an attractive red. Typically, the flowers have dark red bracts greater than ½”. 16-18″ tall & 18″ wide. Use in the perennial border & as a container item. Zones 6-11.
x. ‘Blackbird’: P.P. # 17,178. ‘Blackbird’ has a compact, bushy habit with exceptionally dark purple foliage that gets darker in full sun. In the spring, green yellow flowers contrast nicely with the virtually black foliage. This plant proved itself to be very temperature-tolerant as it survived the scorching 116° heat wave in the Central Valley of California. A great year-round addition for foliar plant choice in the perennial border. Good in containers too. Mature height is about 1-2′ tall & wide. Zones 6-9.
x. martinii ‘Ascot Rainbow’ P.P. #21,501: ‘Ascot Rainbow’ has been selected for its distinct & unique variegated flowers & foliage. The flower color consists of cream, lime, & green while the foliage displays tones of cream,green-blue with stunning red-pink coloring in cooler months. One of the major benefits of this selection is extreme tolerance to heat & dryness. Compact & slightly spreading habit to 20″x20″. Unique tubular flowers. Full sun. Drought tolerant once established. Zone 7, possibly 6.
hybrid ‘Beach Bum Blue’:
lizei ‘Angyo Star’: Evergreen. Hybrid between Fatsia japonica and English ivy, these plants got the best of both parents. Giant ivy leaves provide color in darker locations, but will not root into stucco or spread where it is not wanted. Stems will need to be staked or supported. Can be used indoors. 5-6’tall & 4-5’wide. Partial shade-shade. Medium water. Zones 7b-9. A Sunset Western Garden Collection Plant.
sellowiana: “Pineapple Guava”. Multiple upright branches form dense structure. Gray-green leaves are felty white underneath. Waxy flower with its petals dark red inside, white outside with showy red stamens in summer. Tasty guava-like fruit follows. Evergreen. Full sun. Moderate grower to 10-15′ tall & wide. Zones 8-10.
Asparagus ‘Meyeri’: “Meyers Asparagus Fern”. Several to many stiffly upright stems, densely clothed with needle-like deep green leaves that give the plant a fluffy look. 2-3’tall & 3-4′ wide clump. Performs well in containers. Tiny white flowers in spring-summer, followed by green berries ripen to red in fall. A little less hardy than A.d. ‘Sprengeri’. Partial shade. Deer tolerant. Drought tolerant. Zones 9-11.
Asplenium bulbiferum: “Mother Fern”. Outdoors in zones 14 (protected), 15-17, 20-24; house plant elsewhere. From New Zealand. Graceful, very finely cut, light green fronds to 3-4′ tall and 2-3′ wide. Fronds produce plantlets that can be removed & planted. Heavy or medium shade. Hardy to 26°F. Watch for snails & slugs. Zones 9-11.
Cyrtomium falcatum: “Japanese Holly Fern”. Fronds to 10″ wide, with 3-11 pairs of divisions. Coarse-textured but handsome ferns with firm-textured, glossy fronds. Takes houseplant conditions well. Part-full shade. 2-3′ tall & 18″ wide. Deer resistant. Evergreen. Zones 6-10.
Dryopteris erythrosora: “Autumn Fern”. One of the few ferns with seasonal color value. Fronds are reddish when young, deep green in late spring, summer. Deeply cut fronds. Spreads by under-ground stems. 1½-2′ tall & 18″ wide. Shade. Drought resistant. Zones 5-9.
Nephrolepis cordifolia: “Southern Sword Fern”. Native to many tropical regions of the world. To 2 -3′ tall & 5′ wide. Tufts of bright green, narrow (2″ wide), upright fronds closely spaced, finely toothed leaflets. Roots often have small, roundish tubers. Plant spreads by thin, fuzzy runners & can be invasive. Will not take hard frosts, but is otherwise adaptable, tolerating poor soil & erratic watering. Good in narrow, shaded beds; can thrive in full sun with adequate water. Effective groundcover; also good in pots & hanging baskets. Often sold as N. exaltata. Zones 9-11.
Polystichum munitum: “Western Sword Fern”. Native from California to Alaska & Montana. Most seen fern of the redwood forests. Leathery, shiny dark green fronds are 2-4′ long, depending on soil & available moisture. Fronds have medium coarse texture, are long lasting when cut. Old plants may have 75-100 fronds. 3-6’tall & wide. Good for shady beds, along house walls, as large-scale ground cover, in mixed woodland plantings. Grows best in rich soil with organic matter. Established plants need little water. Zones 5-9.
Polystichum polyblepharum: (P. setosum). “Japanese Lace Fern, Tassel Fern”. Lustrous shiny leaf fern adds an elegant look to shaded gardens. Dark green fronds are evenly colored with a frosted reverse along a rusty brown stem. Particularly beautiful when fronds unfurl. A reliable fine textured fern for smaller settings to fill out scant plantings. Plant masses for groundcover, particularly beautiful under flowering shrubs. Well sized for containers. Herbaceous. Shade-partial shade. Slow growing to 2′ tall & wide. Hardy. Zones 6-8.
Rumohra adiantiformis: “Leatherleaf Fern”. Deep green, leathery textured fronds arise in dense clusters are perfect in informal gardens or as a filler for shady beds. Cut foliage adds attractive texture to floral arrangements. Effective evergreen spreading groundcover. Great in hanging baskets. Partial shade. To 3′ tall & wide. Non-hardy. Zones 9-11.
Sphaeropteris cooperi ‘Brentwood’: “Australian Tree Fern”. ‘Brentwood’ is a more massive & faster growing cultivar that can become quite large. It has large, light green fronds. 12-20′ tall & 6-8′ wide. Sun in coastal areas-partial shade in inland areas. Average water. Avoid the brownish hairs on leaf stalks and undersides of fronds as they can cause skin irritation. Zones 8-11.
Woodwardia fimbriata: “Giant Chain Fern, European Chain Fern”. Among the largest native Western ferns, this plant can reach up to 9′ tall in wet coastal forests, but it is more typically seen in gardens at 4-5′ tall, 3′ wide. Spreads by woody rhizomes. Thick, leathery, medium green fronds are erect but spreading toward the top, twice cut but still somewhat coarse. Use near pool or brook, against a shaded wall, or in a woodland garden. Sometimes seen in desert areas where some shade & seepage exist. Slow to get going if dug from existing clumps; nursery plants are vigorous, fast growing. With-stands neglect once well established. Can take full sun in wet spots. Often sold as W. chamissoi or W. radicans. Zones 8-10.
repens: (Ficus pumila). “Creeping Fig”. An evergreen, self-clinging vine with juvenile, small, leathery, dark green leaves that mature to larger, dark, thick leaves. Shearing of mature foliage will encourage new juvenile growth. Vigorous growing, clinging, dense branches will adhere to any surface. A handsome choice for climbing walls, poles, arbors, topiaries & fences. Full sun-partial shade. Fast growing to 25-30′ long & 3′ wide or more. Waterwise. Deer resistant. Zones 9-11.
‘Thornless’: (Rubus ursinus x idaeus ‘Thornless’). The Boysenberry is easily grown & very productive, sweet, & juicy. It produces rich, luscious, wine colored berries with a flavor that is a taste of Loganberry, Raspberry, & Blackberry. The berries are easily picked due to the thornless canes on which it is produced.It has very large berries that are 1 ½” in length with a reddish-black color that is non-glossy when ripe. The berry is very juicy & the flavor is excellent with a nice aroma. Very good for fresh eating, canning, freezing, jelly, & syrup. Ripens in June. This plant can be trained to a trellis or fence. Full sun. 5-6′ tall & 6-8′ spread. Must have winter protections where temperatures go below 5ºF. Zones 4-8.
‘Fuyu ‘Jiro’: Medium size, flat shape, still crunchy when ripe, non-astringent. Cool or hot climate. Hardy, attractive tree, practically pest free. Fall harvest. 200 hours. Self-fruitful. Zones 7-10.
‘Wonderful’: Large, purple-red fruit with delicious, tangy flavor. Best quality in hot inland climate. Gaudy red-orange blooms, ornamental foliage. Long-lived, any soil. Self-fruitful. Zones 7-10.
‘Heritage’: (Rubus idaeus var. strigosus ‘Heritage’). Large berry. Very firm, excellent quality. Moderate early July crop & heavy productions of quality fruit in early September. An everbearing variety with good vigor, hardy canes which do not need staking. The #1 fall variety nationwide. Mature height is 3-8′ with a spread of 4-8′. Cold hardy to USDA zone 4.
grandiflora ‘Celebration’ PPAF: “Blanket Flower”. Non-fading, single, elegant, red flowers in spring-fall. Gray-green, hairy foliage. Compact mounding habit to 16″tall & 14″wide. Full sun. Well drained soil. Drought tolerant once established. Zones 5-9. A Sunset™ Western Garden Collection Plant.
grandiflora ‘Sunset Flash’ PPAF: “Blanket Flower”. These tough perennials can beat the heat with beauty, showing off vibrant, orange-red flowers with yellow tips in spring-fall, but blooms almost year-round. Water-wise and drought tolerant once established, these compact plants and their color-fast blooms love the sun. Fresh gray green foliage creates a compact mound at 14″ x 14″. Attracts birds & butterflies. Drought tolerant. Zones 5-9. A Sunset™ Western Garden Collection Plant.
jasminoides ‘Radicans’: True miniature gardenia. Evergreen. Grows 6-12″ tall & 2-3′ wide, with 1″ long dark green leaves & many 1″ wide, double white flowers, mainly in early summer. Great fragrance. Partial-full sun. Regular water. Good small-scale edging, ground cover, or container plant. Zones 8-11.
jasminoides ‘Veitchii’: “Everblooming Gardenia”. Evergreen. Compact form, 3-4½’ high & wide; leaves to 2½” long. Oldest variety, but still most reliable bloomer. Rose-like, 1½-2″ wide, pure white, blossoms from late spring to fall; bloom may continue during warm weather. Very fragrant. Partial-full sun. Good for cut flowers. Zones 8-11.
lindheimeri ‘Belleza™ Series‘: “Wand Flower”. Excellent branching & short flower stems make this Gaura series a real winner. It is heat & drought tolerant & blooms continuously all summer until the first hard frost. Upright habit. Full sun-partial shade. Zone 6-9.
‘Compact Light Pink’: Light pink flowers. Height 16″.
‘Dark Pink’: Stunning dark pink color. Height 30-39″.
‘White Evol’: Pure white flowers. Height 30-39″.
sempervirens: “Carolina Jessamine”. Vigorous growing twining vine displaying fragrant, bright yellow flowers late winter into early spring. Great on trellis, arbor, or over fences & walls. Also used as a mounding ground cover. Evergreen to semi-evergreen. Full sun-partial shade. To 20′ long with support. Zones 7-9.
‘hybrid Zonal Series: These zonal geranium provide continuous flowering in spring-fall.. They feature large flower heads, striking colors, & are an excellent choice for beds, borders, containers, & hanging baskets. Full sun. Zones 3-11.
‘Tango Neon Purple’: Semi-double, bright purple flowers. 12-14″tall & 10-12″wide.
‘Tango White’: Semi-double, pure white flowers. 12-14″tall & 10-12″wide.
‘Presto’ Series: The most uniform, compact, dark-leafed zonal geranium series. ‘Presto’ produces a strong first flush of flowers – 3 to 4 blooms. 8-10″tall & wide. Full sun. Blooms late spring-fall. Zones 9-11.
‘Brilliant Red’ P.P. #21,085: Bright red flowers.
‘Pink Sizzle’
‘Violet’: P.P. #19,810: Violet purple flowers.
x. ‘Calliope’ Series: The ‘Calliopes’ well-branched, vigorous, & mounding habit make then ideal in baskets, large pots, & landscape applications. The large, semi-double flowers bloom in spring-summer. Full sun-partial shade. Vivid flower colors & tremendous branching characteristics. Heat & drought tolerant. Zones 9 – 11.
‘Dark Red’: Dark velvet red, semi-double flowers. Semi-trailing. (Zonal ivy hybrid).
jamesonii ‘Mega Revolution Mix’: Vigorous, bushy plants with very large flowers in a variety of shades in spring-summer. 8-12″tall & 7-8″wide. Partial shade. Light water. Heat tolerant. Good in larger patio planters and gardens. Zones 9a-10b.
biloba ‘Autumn Gold’: “Autumn Gold Maidenhair Tree”. This superb shade tree is a non-fruiting grafted selection. Unique fan-shaped foliage turns golden yellow in fall. Its symmetrical upright branching form becomes broad with age. Deciduous. Full sun. Slow-growing to 35-50′ high, equal width. Zones 4-9.
Acorus gramineus ‘Ogon’: “Golden Variegated Sweet Flag”. Mounded, non-invasive. A warm color combo standout, its fragrant, butter yellow sword-like blade also creates a striking contrast. Use for structure, height, & texture accents. Sun-partial shade. 10-12″ tall & 4-6″ wide. Deer resistant. Zones 5-11.
Carex buchananii: “Fox Red Curly Sedge, Leatherleaf Sedge”. One of the most colorful sedges. Striking clumps of reddish-bronze make this evergreen perennial a good choice for foliage effect in borders, containers, rock gardens, or around water gardens. Full sun. Upright slightly arching moderate grower to 2-3′ tall & wide. Zones 5-9.
Carex divulsa: (Carex tumulicola). “Berkeley Sedge, Grassland Sedge”. Forms arching clumps to 1 ½’ high & 2′ wide with spikes of greenish flowers from winter to spring. Shear flowers when they begin to turn brown with age to keep plants tidy & prevent reseeding. Best in partial shade, but grows well under a wide range of conditions. Fine groundcover. Zones 4-9.
Festuca glauca ‘Beyond Blue™’: (Festuca glauca ‘Casca11’). “Beyond Blue™ Fescue”. Evergreen. Intense, powder blue foliage. Color stays bright throughout the season without browning. Full sun. 9-12″ tall & 18″ wide. Deer resistant. Waterwise. Zones 4-9. A Sunset™ Western Garden Collection Plant.
Festuca glauca ‘Elijah Blue’: “Elijah Blue Fescue”. Clumping ornamental grass. Icy-blue leaves retain the glaucous coloring through the heat of the summer. The 8- 10″ tall & 10-12″ wide clumps makes an ideal border or edging plant. Golden buff colored flowers on 15″ stalks in summer. Good drainage is essential. Full sun. Most heat tolerant of the Blue Fescues available. Use for edging borders or as a mass planting as a groundcover, but most often planted near rock gardens, around landscape boulders, & in dry stream beds. Drought tolerant once established. Evergreen. Zones 4-8.
Festuca mairei: “Atlas Fescue”. Evergreen grass. Fountain-like mounds of rich green foliage. 2-3’tall & wide. Sun-partial shade. White flowers in spring-summer. Heat tolerant. Low water. Zones 4-10.
Juncus effuses spiralis ‘Twister’: “Corkscrew Rush”. Small, curly green leaves offer interesting and fun foliage. Upright habit to 12-14″ tall & wide. Partial sun. Drought tolerant, heat tolerant, shade tolerant, low maintenance, & frost tolerant. Thrives in wet conditions; can be used in bog and pond gardening. Zones 5-11.
Melinis nerviglumis ‘Pink Crystals’: “Ruby Grass”. Mounded. A small but showy flowering grass with narrow, silky, ruby pink blooms that emerge in May/June. Once mature, the blooms turn creamy white & rise 12-18″ above the foliage. ‘Pink Crystals’ is a rare treasure. Excellent for beds & borders. Sun-partial shade. 18-24″ tall & 1-2′ wide. Zones 9-11.
Miscanthus sinensis ‘Morning Light’: “Morning Light Maiden Grass”. Quite attractive, the green blades have added highlights of creamy-white margins & mid-veins creating a shimmering silvery appearance. Adds visual excitement to shrub borders. Delicate reddish-bronze plumes in late summer. Herbaceous. Full sun for best foliage coloration. Accepts dry conditions. Clumps to 5′ tall, to 2′ wide. Flower stalks are taller. Zones 5-9. A U. C. Davis Arboretum All-Star Selection.
Miscanthus sinensis ‘Strictus’: “Porcupine Grass”. Improved habit to this neat, more upright form; not as relaxed & vase-shaped as M.s. ‘Zebrinus’. Green foliage is highlighted by dramatic horizontal golden bands. Reddish-bronze plumes above the foliage in summer. Good as a specimen or in groups. Herbaceous. Full sun. Clumps to 8′ tall & 3′ wide. Zones 4-9.
Muhlenbergia capillaris: “Pink Muhly Grass”. A clump-forming, warm season, perennial grass that is noted for its attractive summer foliage and spectacular clouds of pink flowers in summer-fall. 2-3’tall & wide. Sun-partial sun. Drought tolerant. Zones 5-9.
Muhlenbergia rigens: “Deer Grass”. This California native grass is heat & drought tolerant. An ornamental grass which displays stiff, narrow purple flower spikes above mounding foliage. It needs almost no maintenance; remove old leaves at any time. Dense clumping foliage to 3′ tall & wide; 5′ tall in bloom. A compact alternative to Pampas Grass without the sharp leaf edges & aggressive reseeding. Beautiful in mass plantings, as erosion control, or as a low informal screen. It adds texture & movement to the garden. Part-full sun. Semi-evergreen. USDA zones 5-11; sunset zones 4-24.
Pennisetum alopecuroides ‘Little Bunny’: “Little Bunny Dwarf Fountain Grass”. ‘Little Bunny’ is the smallest of the dwarf fountain grasses. Dark green petite foliage ages to a reddish-brown. Fluffy, buff colored blooms in late summer-fall. 10-12″ tall & wide. Full sun. Deer resistant. Waterwise. Zones 5-9.
Pennisetum setaceum ‘Rubrum’: “Purple Fountain Grass”. 3-5′ tall & 2-3’wide. Full sun. Long red flowers on burgundy cascading foliage. Blooms from June to October. Non-hardy perennial. Zones 8-11.
Seslaria autumnalis: “Autumn Moor Grass”. Evergreen grass. White flowers in spring. 1-2’tall & wide. Sun-partial shade. Drought tolerant. Zones 5-8.
Stipa tenuissima ‘Pony Tails’: “Mexican Feather Grass”. A fine leafed, clumping grass, with needle-like foliage. Silky flowers appear green in June, but turn golden blonde as they mature. A good slope cover grass, as well as striking specimen plant. It’s flowers make stunning dried arrangements. 16-24″ tall & 12″wide. Full sun. Zones 6-10.
lanigera ‘Coastal Gem’: “Woolly Grevillea”. Evergreen shrub with narrow grayish-green leaves on flat to slightly arching stems . Pinkish-red & cream flower clusters in winter-spring. 1’tall & 4-5’wide. Full sun-partial shade. Low water needs. An excellent plant for a rock garden, border or groundcover. Attracts hummingbirds. Drought tolerant. Zones 9-11.
lanigera ‘Mt. Tamboritha’:”Woolly Grevillea”. Evergreen shrub with small grayish-green leaves that are soft & woolly. Pinkish-red & cream flower clusters in winter-spring. 1-2’tall & 3-4’wide. Full sun-partial shade. Low water needs. An excellent plant for a rock garden, border or groundcover. Attracts hummingbirds. Drought tolerant. Zones 9-11.
violacea ‘Happy Wanderer’: “Lilac Vine”. Large, pendulous sprays of deep purple flowers cover this twining evergreen vine most heavily in early winter. Blooms are backed by lustrous evergreen foliage. Creates nice patterns for walls, fences, arbors, or as a trailing groundcover. Moderate grower to 10-16′ long. Full sun to partial shade in hottest climates. Zones 9-11.
arborescens ‘Fragrant Delight’: “Common Heliotrope”. Heliotrope are noted for their extremely fragrant flower clusters. Leaves are rich, dark green & finely wrinkled. Flower clusters are of a lush purple color. Full sun – partial shade in warmer climates. 15-24″ tall & 15-18″ wide. Zones 9-11.
‘Bell Orange’: “Daylily”. A great, clear, bright pumpkin orange with rich, dark green foliage that tries to keep blooming almost 9 months of the year. A triploid hybrid with broad petaled flowers about 4″ across. 18-20″ tall & wide with flowers to 30″. Zones 4-9.
‘Happy Returns’: “Daylily”. This pale yellow flowered daylily distinguishes itself with its profuse bloom & compact size (only 16″ tall), making it good for containers & borders. It is an early season bloomer. It attracts butterflies. It is deer & drought tolerant. Fragrant, showy flowers. 1-1.5′ tall & wide. Full sun – part shade. Waterwise. Zones 4-11.
‘Lemon Spokes’: “Daylily”. The brightest true lemon yellow of any of the daylilies that we know. The petals are slender, forming a broad star & bloom heavily both in the spring & the fall. Foliage reaches about 12-18″ tall & 12-15″ wide with flower stems reaching almost 3′. Fragrant! Another early bloomer! Zone 5.
‘Premium Lemon Yellow’: “Daylily”. Another beautiful lemon yellow flower, with broad petals (3 1/2- 4 1/2″) across. Perhaps the real feature of this one however, is the beautiful deep green leaves forming luxurious clumps of 20-24″ foliage. Flower stems reach 30-36″ heights. Late spring bloomer, following with a good re-bloom late in the fall. Zones 4-10.
‘Stella de Oro’: “Daylily”. 8-12″ tall & wide. Produces bright yellow flowers throughout warm weather. Flowers single, semi-double – double; vary in shape from broad petaled to narrow & twisted. Zones 4-10.
‘Sun Spokes’: “Daylily”. A tall, very robust daylily, growing to 2′ tall & 12-15″ wide, producing large flowers of spider-shaped petals. Blooms spring through fall. This top-rate variety, with bold, clear color puts on a great show in the garden/landscape. Foliage grows to approximately 2′ with flower stems to 3′. Zones 4-10.
micrantha ‘Palace Purple’: “Palace Purple Coral Bells”. Ivory flowers & mahogany red leaves provide a stunning contrast in perennial beds. 12-18″ tall & wide. Sun-partial shade. White flowers in late spring-summer. 1991 PPA Perennial Plant of the Year. Zones 4-9.
x. hybrida ‘Carnival’ Series: “Coral Bells”. Heat tolerant. 10-12″ tall & 12-14″ wide. Shade-partial sun. Nice mounding habit. Zones 4-9.
‘Peach Parfait’ P.P. #24,928: Beautiful peach-pink foliage. Shows silver in cooler temperatures. Important to
remain in shade to avoid sunburn.
‘Watermelon’ P.P. #24,803: Peach-pink new growth maturing to bronze-green. Very stunning in cooler
syriacus ‘Blueberry Smoothie’ P.P. #26,662: (Hibiscus syriacus ‘DS01BS’). Beautiful double bluish-purple blooms adorn this medium sized shrub from mid to late summer. Matures at 8′ tall & 4′ wide growing upright with green serrated leaves. Full sun. Nearly seedless. Deer tolerant. Rabbit resistant. Drought tolerant. Zone 5. A Garden Debut® Plant.
syriacus ‘Peppermint Smoothie’ P.P. #26,551: (Hibiscus syriacus ‘DS04PS’). Beautiful double bi-colored red and pink blooms adorn this medium sized shrub from mid to late summer. Matures at 8’tall & 4′ wide growing upright with green serrated leaves. Easily adapts to various soil types, pHs, drought, pollution, etc. Full sun. Nearly seedless. Deer tolerant. Rabbit resistant. Drought tolerant. Zone 5. A Garden Debut® Plant.
syriacus ‘Raspberry Smoothie’ PPAF: (Hibiscus syriacus ‘DS03RS’). Beautiful double raspberry blooms adorn this medium sized shrub from mid to late summer. Matures at 8′ tall by 4′ wide growing upright with green serrated leaves. Easily adapts to various soil types, pHs, drought, pollution, etc. Full sun. Nearly seedless. Deer tolerant. Rabbit resistant. Drought tolerant. Zone 5. A Garden Debut® Plant.
syriacus ‘Strawberry Smoothie’: (Hibiscus syriacus ‘DS02SS’). Beautiful double pink blooms adorn this medium sized shrub from mid to late summer. Matures at 8′ tall by 4′ wide growing upright with green serrated leaves. Easily adapts to various soil types, pHs, drought, pollution, etc. Full sun. Nearly seedless. Deer tolerant. Rabbit resistant. Drought tolerant. Zone 5. A Garden Debut® Plant.
macrophylla ‘Nantucket Blue’: (Hydrangea macrophylla ‘Grenan’). Selected for prolific blooming, vibrant bloom color and compact growth habit, this repeat blooming Hydrangea features an abundance of summertime flower clusters until frost. Flowers are blue in acidic soil and pink in alkaline soil. This vigorous grower reaches 4-6′ tall and wide. Partial shade. Zone 4. A Garden Debut® Plant.
macrophylla ‘Red Sensation’ P.P. #18,197: “Red Sensation Hydrangea”. A flowering shrub from Ball Ornamentals with stunning, brilliant red, reblooming, mophead type flowers on striking burgundy stems. Blooms start lime green, age to red, & fade to purple. Blooms summer through fall. Amount of rebloom may be dependant on location & environmental factors. Plant in a sunnier spot for better results. Part sun. Rounded habit to 3′ x 3′ when mature. Hardy to zone 4.