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parvifolia sempervirens ‘Drake’: “Drake’s Chinese Elm”. Attractive round headed canopy forms a broad, spreading crown with pendant branches. Interesting shedding bark on older trees adds to its attraction. Excellent shade tree. Semi-evergreen. Full sun. Fast grower to 30-35′ tall, 40-45′ wide. Zones 6-9.
parvifolia sempervirens ‘True Green’: “True Green Chinese Elm”. Semi-evergreen. Full sun. Fast grower to 40-60′ tall, 50-70′ wide. Interesting shedding bark on older trees adds to its attraction. Excellent shade tree. Round headed form with small, deep green leaves. Zones 3-24.
‘Empress Flair’ Series: Mounding, trailing, compact habit to 6-12″ tall & 10-24″ wide. Sun-partial shade. Dark green foliage. Blooms in spring-fall. Deer resistant. Tolerant of both heat & cold. Attracts bees, butterflies, & hummingbirds. Requires deadheading to promote more blooms. Annual.
‘Violet Blue’: Large, deep violet blue flowers.
hybrid ‘EnduraScape™’ Series: The Endurascape series has the hardiness of Verbena ‘Homestead Purple’ with the additional benefit that it flowers steadily throughout the summer instead of in cycles. Endurascape cultivars are powdery-mildew resistant. 8-12″ tall & 18-24″ wide. Full sun. Heat & cold tolerant. Blooms spring-winter. It’s winter hardy to USDA Zone 8b.
‘Pink Bicolor’ PPAF: Light pink & dark pink bicolor flowers.
‘Red’ (‘Balendred’ P.P. #26,132): Dark scarlet red.
hybrid ‘Tapien’™ Series: “Tapien Verbena”. Nicknamed “Carpet of Blossoms”. Colorful, fast growing, versatile with a neat, flat multi-branching growth habit. Strong enough to use as a groundcover. It can also be used in pots, beds, window boxes, baskets, & mixed plantings. Heat resistant. Grows best in full sun. 3-7″ tall & 12-36″ wide. Dead heading not necessary. Zones 8-11.
‘Blue Violet’: (Verbena hybrid ‘SUNmaref TP-V’ USPP 9,411). Dark blue violet flower clusters.
tinus ‘Compactum’: “Spring Bouquet Viburnum”. Beautiful evergreen shrub with lightly fragrant, pinkish white flowers in spring followed by dark blue-black fruit. Dense, compact growth habit makes this a favorite choice for small hedges, screens, or foundation plantings. Smaller, darker green leaves than V. tinus. Full sun. Moderate, upright grower to 4-6′ tall & wide. Zones 7-11.
minor ‘Bowles’: “Bowles Dwarf Periwinkle”. Large blue flowers complement glossy green leaves. A stunning ground cover for difficult situations such as dry shade under trees & for erosion control on banks or slopes. Best performance when shaded from hot afternoon sun. Blooms in mid-late spring. tall. Height to 6″. Zone 4-9.
‘Wynyabbie Gem’: “Coast Rosemary”. A fast growing, dense shrub that can reach 6-8′ tall by 4-6′ wide. It has slender gray-green foliage with white underneath that radiates out from the dark stems in evenly spaced whorls. The clusters of attractive mauve-pink flowers are produced throughout the year. Full sun-partial shade. Drought & seaside tolerant. Can be sheared, but it is reported that it may shorten the lifespan of the plant with regular shearing. Hardy to 25-30ºF. Zone 9-11.
sinensis ‘Purple’: “Purple Chinese Wisteria”. One of the most common Wisteria in the west. Leaves are 10-12″ long, divided into 7-13 leaflets. Blooms before leaf out. Clusters of purple, slightly fragrant flowers make quite a show, since flowers open all at once nearly all along the cluster. Deciduous vine. 20-30′ tall & 13-14′ wide. Sun-partial shade. Zones 5-9.
senticosa: “Shiny Xylosma”. Evergreen. Bronzy young foliage on spreading, gracefully arching branches turns to shiny green. 10-12′ tall & wide. Sun-partial shade. Takes shearing well, easily trained as espalier or as a versatile hedge or screening plant . Tolerates heat. Ornamental berries attract birds. Zones 8-11.
candida: “Argentine Rain Lily, Zephyr Flower, Fairy Lily”. Grows from bulbs & forms clumps of shiny, grassy leaves. White, 2″ flowers, sometimes stained pink in throat in late summer-fall. 1′ tall & 1-2′ wide. Evergreen in warmer part of range. Good edging plant or groundcover. Usually sold as a potted plant but can be planted out at any time. Attracts beneficial insects. Full sun-partial shade. A U.C. Davis Arboretum All-Star Selection. Zones 7-10.